today is a new day

why do i feel the need to start over sometimes? monday seems like a great day for change. it’s uncomfortable at first, but then again so is being in the same place you were last year. there are only a couple of months left of this year. (3) and i really want to finish strong.

habit stacking. i love the book Atomic Habits, because there’s so much information in there that helps inspire me. for instance, stack your habits.

“One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top. This is called habit stacking.” James Clear NY Times Best Seller of Atomic Habits

There are things i do every day, like brush my teeth, make coffee, scroll Instagram (im not proud of the latter) and yet, there are so many great things i can be doing with my time like reading, writing cards of encouragement, blogging, cooking dinner for my family. these are all worthwhile things that to be honest, sometimes i don’t feel like doing, but the more they are a part of your routine the easier it will be to enjoy it. so, as soon as i wake up i can reach for my bible, instead of my phone because let’s be real im a better human after spending time with the Lord.

another interesting phenomenon is we aren’t as complex as we think we are. we are products of our environments, if you want better habits, create environments that support those habits.

let today be the start of you making the most of your life. you owe it to yourself, and to God to be all He has created you to be.