stumbling blocks & grace #1

11/7/22 9:01pm

why do we remember the bad days more than the good ones? im not quite sure. my therapist told me today that, we as people have more good days than bad but for some reason we are more likely to remember the horrible misfortunes of our everyday life.

so, today, (& every day forward) i am determined to remember the good. all of it. all the good of this crazy wonderful, awesome, surprising, twist and turn rollercoaster uphill valley sensational life.

today was good, because i woke up with breath in my lungs, i got to read, i felt sunshine on my skin, i had coffee, i smiled and conversed with strangers, i felt happy. i want to remember these good days, and i want to treasure them and honor them for how good great they actually are.

all day every day we can catastrophize, or we can see things for what they truly are. sometimes, my mind goes way off track and starts embellishing things that are actually so far from reality..maybe you have done that too? my main aim in life, is to love. i desire to have the audacity to love people fully and wholly, while being brave enough to accept love for my own self.

take inventory of your life, the good, bad and the ugly. i think the more we look for the good, the more we can see it.

i may stumble and fall through the cracks, but there is grace to pull be back in and get up again.

today i struggled with feeling a wave of sadness, i don’t think i allowed myself to feel that emotion fully. i never think i indulge in sadness enough. i tend to just brush it off, and do something else. but today i want to acknowledge that moment, and remind myself it’s okay to feel. actually, feeling my emotions will allow me to truly heal from my hurt & love deeper.

feel your hurt, and love people better.( & dont forget to love yourself)

