The Happiest Man on Earth Book Review

There’s not enough praise I can offer this book. If Eddie Jaku was still alive, I’d give him a standing ovation. I hope and pray that I can do this book justice. It’s a simple yet profound book. Devastatingly beautiful. I’m so grateful Mr. Eddie decided to write about his life, so I could appreciate […]

stumbling blocks & grace #1

11/7/22 9:01pm why do we remember the bad days more than the good ones? im not quite sure. my therapist told me today that, we as people have more good days than bad but for some reason we are more likely to remember the horrible misfortunes of our everyday life. so, today, (& every day […]

Gerrit Cole out on elbow injury

There’s no replacing Garrit Cole as he’s taking some time for his elbow as it’s not bouncing back quite as well as it used to. Maybe it’s because he’s a powerhouse on the mound, being Mr. Reliable or because he does a tremendous amount of wagging of his finger. Either way, the Yankees weren’t able […]

today is a new day

why do i feel the need to start over sometimes? monday seems like a great day for change. it’s uncomfortable at first, but then again so is being in the same place you were last year. there are only a couple of months left of this year. (3) and i really want to finish strong. […]

Write for your life Book Review

The other day I finished reading Anna Quindlen’s book, Write for your life. It was not a page-turner in the slightest. Respectfully. It’s one of those books that really make you think. I enjoyed Anna’s thoughts, and I was utterly amazed that she could write a whole book on writing. To be honest, I skimmed […]